
Archive for August 5, 2009

Malcolm Gladwell Says Success Is Not Only About Hardwork…

August 5, 2009 1 comment

gladwell081117_250Malcolm Gladwell has been a leader in creating a new genre of books that take the latest research discoveries and writes about them in a way the rest of us can understand.  His latest effort, “Outliers” is an instant masterpiece in the same vain as his two previous bestsellers, “The Tipping Point”, and “Blink”.

In Outliers Gladwell lays bear the idea that simple hardwork is the only key to success.  Gladwell says as much credit for success should be given to simple chance and the culture one grows up in.

This is relevant to our Diversity2.0 concept which emphasizes the view that the unconscious mind, social networks, and systems are critical components of success in a diverse world.  The reason this idea is so important is because diversity is often seen as a liberal ploy to right past wrongs by giving some groups preference over other groups.  While in some respects this view is parially correct.  Gladwell argues that it is needed to more fairly even out the playing field when most avenues of success are in fact accidents of birth.  Below is a link to the article in the New York magazine that talks indepth about Gladwell’s view of the world.  And also below is a video clip of Gladwell discussing his book.

 Read the Article


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